My Skincare Routines That I Love!

Yesterday I suggested a few new products I’ve tried and yeah, a few great Beautycounter products are at Ulta online!! I thought this month for my blog I would share a couple of skincare services that I do to help aide in keeping my skin healthy. It aligns with using safer skincare products. I’m not an expert by any means but Heidi who I see is lovely and very knowledgeable and always a wealth of information about what we do for my skin. Let’s dive in!


Dermaplaning is a cosmetic treatment where dead skin cells and peach fuzz are gently scraped off using a scalpel. Unlike traditional shaving, dermaplaning involves a more precise and deeper exfoliation performed by professionals such as a plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or licensed cosmetologist. Heidi is an Advanced Practiced Aesthetician certified in providing both services I’m writing about this month and works at Petite Salon in Minneapolis off of France Ave near Edina and Washburn High School.

Some Potential Benefits of Dermaplaning:

  • My skin immediately following dermaplaning feels clean, smooth and radiant. It gives the best glow ever without any makeup but also enhances the way makeup stays on and looks when used. I love it!

  • Studies show it can diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I would say it helps my skin stay radiant which helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

  • I don’t have problems with hyperpigmentation so I can’t speak to this, but I can see how this would be valuable since I do love the way my skin always looks polished and even toned.

  • Dermaplaning helps to clean out bacteria and debris from the skin’s surface. You get such a deep clean that I rarely have any problems at all with acne breakouts. I have not had an acne scar to relate to, but I’ve had other imperfections that have improved over the course of past 3 years of dermaplaning.

Red Light Therapy

I feel like this is a hot item right now. Many influencers purchase their own red-light masks and using them daily. Light in general is good for you and Infrared saunas are also becoming popular (hint maybe another blog on that in the future). You can find masks and influencers selling their masks they have purchased but it’s important to do your research as this is not a technique that you should do multiple times a day or every day if you don’t do it correctly and take the safety precautions for your eyes. Light in general is healthy for us and living here in Minnesota we all need as much light as we can get! But my eye doctor always says wear your sun glasses every time you are out in the sun!

What do we know about red light therapy for our skin?

Initially explored by NASA for plant growth and wound healing in space, red light therapy is now being leveraged for the potential benefits in dermatology. The therapy is considered safe, with no side effects but you can misuse red light therapy if you do not protect your eyes. So as seen in the photos, my eyes are covered during the procedure, and I currently only do this procedure with Heidi vs. a purchased red light face mask at home. Red light therapy works by stimulating the mitochondria in the body’s cells, boosting energy production. This increased energy helps cells repair (i.e. collagen boosting) and regenerate more efficiently, which can lead to improved skin health.

Below is what I’ve seen for the improvement of my skin:

  • My skin feels incredibly smooth, clear and hydrated with both services. After the red-light therapy, Heidi puts on a hydrating mask and then massages the skin. I want to naturally age with wrinkles but if I can leverage this light therapy to help improve and diminish the appearance of fine lines little by little over time, why would I not want to leverage this therapy alongside my clean skincare products to naturally age slowly.

  • The light therapy Heidi uses has a coupled reaction of red and blue. It’s the blue light that helps skin have less acne breakouts and heal the skin from acne scars.

  • I had a scar on the side of my eye last winter and it is now invisible, and I fully believe the coupled red/blue light therapy has helped in this recovery of my skin without using product prescribed by the doctor that was filled with harmful chemicals. Using this service alongside my Beautycounter lotus cleansing balm did the trick!

It’s best to always do your own research and talk to someone you value for their expertise, and these are just my suggestions, but I love my facial wellness routine and it’s a great way to have a pamper day to myself and enjoy some self-care.


Dermaplaning can vary but Heidi charges $130 for her dermaplaning facial: facial cleanse, dermaplaning, enzyme treatment, mask + massage. Include red light therapy (+ 30 minutes to treatment) total is $185. Red light therapy by itself is $65 so you get a $10 discount if added to your facial. Heidi’s prices have accounted for gratuity, so the price is the price. She’s the best.


Clean Beauty Matters – Life at Age 54!


For the Love of Beautycounter…